Child Support

What is Child Support?

In the aftermath of divorce and custody disputes, child support payments are one of the most significant and ongoing financial obligations that parents face. As a parent, you have a fundamental duty to provide for your children's needs.

Child support payments cover the costs associated with:

  • Food

  • Housing

  • Clothing

  • Other essential expenses

Calculating Your Own Child Support Payments

To estimate your potential child support obligations, you will need to gather specific financial information, including:

  • Recent tax returns

  • Pay stubs

  • Tax forms (e.g., W-2s, 1099s)

  • Documentation of any disability or unemployment benefits

  • Records of child healthcare costs

  • Proof of mandatory deductions (e.g., union dues, retirement contributions)

  • Details of any existing child support or spousal support payments

While Washington's child support schedule appears to be a rigid, mathematical formula, there may be opportunities to pursue deviations from the presumptive amount, much like how a certified public accountant can identify potential tax advantages. Our knowledgeable attorneys can provide guidance and representation to help you navigate this process effectively.

How We Can Assist

At Styles Law, our Seattle and Snohomish County based family law experts are prepared to offer reliable information and assertive representation to protect your rights and support you and your children. Your attorney will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your unique situation and explore all available options to achieve the best possible outcome.