Hit & Run

Hit and Run Charges in Washington

In the state of Washington, hit-and-run incidents can be classified as either a Simple Misdemeanor or a Gross Misdemeanor, depending on the specific circumstances of the case. The key factor that determines the more serious Gross Misdemeanor charge is whether the defendant struck an attended vehicle.

Hit and Run - Attended Vehicle

This is the more severe of the two misdemeanor-level charges. Classified as a Gross Misdemeanor, it carries potential penalties of up to one year in jail and a $5,000 fine. Additionally, a conviction will result in a one-year license suspension from the Department of Licensing.

The legal requirements state that the driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to another occupied vehicle must immediately move their vehicle to the nearest suitable location, remain at the scene, and provide their name, address, insurance information, license plate number, and driver's license number. Failure to comply with these obligations constitutes a Gross Misdemeanor offense.

Hit and Run - Unattended Vehicle or Other Property

This is the less serious of the two offenses, classified as a Simple Misdemeanor. The potential penalties are up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. In these cases, the driver must stop, locate the owner of the unattended struck vehicle or adjacent property, and provide their name and address, or leave a written notice with this information in a conspicuous place.

While a conviction for Hit and Run - Unattended does not result in a driver's license suspension, it may still lead to increased insurance rates. Additionally, for commercial drivers, both Attended and Unattended hit-and-run charges can result in CDL disqualification.

Resolving Hit and Run Charges

The attorneys at Witt Law Group have extensive experience in handling hit-and-run cases and often work to avoid convictions for their clients. Common strategies include negotiating a Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement or a Compromise of Misdemeanor, both of which can lead to the ultimate dismissal of the charges.

If you have been charged with a hit-and-run offense in Washington, the team at Styles Law is available to provide a free consultation and discuss your options for a favorable resolution. Don't assume this charge will be the end of the world - our

attorneys have a proven track record of achieving positive outcomes for clients in these types of cases.