Premises Liability

If you have suffered a severe slip, trip, or fall due to a property owner's negligence, contact Styles Law about pursuing a premises liability claim for damages.

Our Seattle premises liability attorneys represent victims of slip and fall accidents throughout King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. We will aggressively investigate and pursue compensation for our clients who have sustained fractures, broken bones, neck/back injuries, head trauma, disfigurement, or other harm.

Property owners, whether businesses, homeowners, or government entities, have a legal duty to maintain safe conditions on their premises. Styles Law attorneys have successfully recovered compensation for clients in a range of cases, including:

  • Slip and falls on wet floors (e.g. supermarkets, retail stores)

  • Injuries due to broken or poorly constructed sidewalks, stairs, or railings

  • Escalator defects

  • Animal attacks

  • Exposure to toxic/hazardous substances

  • Swimming pool accidents

  • Incidents involving snow and ice

  • Inadequate security leading to robbery, assault, or other crimes

When investigating a premises liability claim, we act quickly to obtain and preserve evidence of negligence, and interview relevant witnesses. For example, in a slip and fall at a grocery store, we would check if they maintain a log of their regular cleaning schedule. If the spill occurred shortly before the incident, the owner may not be liable, but if they neglected known hazards or failed to keep their records current, you may have a strong case.

Victims with a valid premises liability claim can recover compensation for medical bills, future treatment costs, lost wages, permanent injuries, and pain and suffering. Most businesses carry general liability insurance, and our firm can often secure payment for reasonable accident-related expenses, even without fully proving fault.